Attacks breaking out of invisibility now deal a guaranteed 160% crit with 175 bonus damage.Now Grants +60 damage, +40 Attack Speed, and a 30% chance of 160% critical damage.(Total cost decreased from 5650 to 5300). Now requires Shadow Blade + Crystalys + 350g recipe. Replenish time decreased from 75 to 70.Status Resistance reduced from 16 to 12.Bonus Strength and Agility increased from 10 to 12.Grants +20% Magic Resist, 20 damage, 10 Intelligence, 15 attack speed and 2 mana regen.(total gold cost reduced from 3250 to 2400). Recipe Reworked: Now requires Oblivion Staff + Cloak + 400g Recipe.Hurricane Thrust max attacks increased from 4 to 5.Hurricane Thrust duration increased from 5s to 6s.Now also grants Vladmir's Aura (+3 armor, +1.75 Mana Regen, +18% damage, +15% Lifesteal in 1200 radius).Creep Bonus Armor increased from 4 to 8.Creep Bonus Attack Damage increased from 25 to 80.Creep Movement Speed increased from 380 to 400.Now requires Helm of the Dominator, Vladimir's Offering and a 1000 gold recipe (Total cost increased from 6000 to 6050). Projectile Speed increased from 1750 to 1900.Bonus Strength and Agility increased from 12 to 14.Bonus Intelligence increased from 20 to 24.Bonus Health increased from 175 to 200.Bonus Attack Damage increased from 10 to 12.Strength and Intelligence bonuses increased from 6 to 7.GINX: Max health restore per charge increased from 287.5 to 297.Restore time increased from 2.5 to 2.7.Health Restored reduced from 115 to 110.Mana restored increased from 160 to 175.Ability Cooldown Reduction increased from 25% to 30%.Mana Regeneration bonus reduced from 3.0 to 2.5.Bash bonus damage increased from 100 to 120.Aeon Disk Cooldown increases by 20s every time it triggers up to 165s.Significant changes include a severe nerf to Aeon Disk along with recipe changes (and thus also major changes or reworks) to Silver Edge, Mage Slayer and Helm of the Overlord. In cases where the change was negligible, we indicated with the symbol ~. We've indicated whether the items were buffed or nerfed with the symbols + or. Valve has also made several item balance changes.
#Dota 2 7.30 Patch
Item balance changes in Dota 2 patch 7.30 Neutral Creeps now drop 5 neutral items per tier. Water Rune healing reduced from 80HP to 40HP.Increased HP Regen of all heroes with 0 HP Regen to 0.25.Cooldown Percentage Reduction no longer stacks (Sources of flat cooldown reduction still stack.).Multiple Critical Strike procs are now rolled from strongest to weakest and will stop rolling once a proc occurs (this results in the same DPS but is less likely to have multiple crits in a row or multiple attacks without a crit.).Captain's Mode second pick phase is changed from Dire/Radiant/Dire/Radiant to Dire/Radiant/Radiant/Dire (assuming Radiant is the first to pick.).These updates aren't anything significant for most players but could have a greater impact at Divine or Immortal tiers.